
A Note to Designers,
Dictating fleeting fashions is killing the planet, draining our wallets and and regularly turning us away from who we are as we grasp at what we’re told we should be. Instead, why not help us realize our true styles. Guide us along the journey where we create and build on wardrobes that, with each purchase, reveal and enhance our personal looks, that highlight our best parts and make the most of whatever we cherish the least.

We’re not looking to look less magnificent. We’re looking for a more environmentally-friendly approach. You can help us reduce our consumption of clothes by focusing on essentials (and flourishes) that aren’t meant to be tossed into “last season’s” bin.

We want to move away from mindless consumerism and dress, not according to whatever you’ve managed to pay some star to sport, but plucking from the great good fruits of your imagination. Our buying process will be less “what do I want to make myself” and more “what am I missing that will help me express myself in apparel”.

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